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We install in Brisbane only and Nearby.

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Fully Welded Sliding Gate 65mm Slats any Gap

Made from powder coated aluminium fully welded with 65mm horizontal slats set into pre-cut holes in frame with any gap. 1 or 2 back supports go behind the slats. 

If the driveway slopes the gate may be raked see: Raking Gates

For installing sliding gates and related devices see: Installing Sliding Gates

OR if you'd like it installed for you Request a Quote

Suitable motors including those for sloping driveways

See: Motors for Sliding gates

Choose Slat Size - 65mm
Please enter gate measurements in mm - see Measuring Gates
HeightWidthGapRakeBPick Powder Coat ColourBlackSatinPC:Satin Black:000000;MonumentPC:Monument:3a3b45;IronStonePC:Ironstone:354153;WoodGreyPC:Woodland Grey:454c45;DeepOceanPC:Deep Ocean:264a6d;carcoalPC:Charcoal:495356;manorredPC:Manor Red:68120c;jasperPC:Jasper:685d51;terrainPC:Terrain:764d3f;basaltPC:Basalt:656669;wallabyPC:Wallaby:777572;gullyPC:Gully:848379;covePC:Cove:969280;dunePC:Dune:a9a59c;shalegreyPC:Shale Grey:b1b6b1;silverPC:Silver Pearl:b8bdba;bushlandPC:Bushland:959485;riversandPC:River Sand:aa9888;windsparyPC:Wind Spray:7b8282;harvestPC:Harvest:e7c397;paperbarkPC:Paper Bark:c6b69a;eveninghazePC:Evening Haze:bfbaa0;heritagegreenPC:Heritage Green:084a29;cottagegreenPC:Cottage Green:2e6758;wildernessPC:Wilderness:66887a;paleeucalyptPC:Pale Eucalypt:73826a;mangrovePC:Mangrove:6c7467;primrosePC:Primrose:efdebc;surfmistPC:Surfmist:f0f0f5;peralwhitePC:Pearl White:FFFFFF;PCColour


Includes:Mounting Bracket for Guide Rollers
Guide Rollers - 60mm long
Aluminium Sliding gate Track
Sliding Gate Wheel 20mm
Choose Keeper - Fixed
Hard Stop for Sliding Gate


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