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We install in Brisbane only and Nearby.

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FES FEM-4500FS Magnetic Lock - 200kg - Outdoor


Ideal for pedestrian gates with the correct mounting bracket and electric connections.  

The advantage of a magnetic lock is if there is any movement in a gate because of weather conditions or wear and tear it won't jam. 

Vandal Proof - magnetic locks have nothing to break off or holes to jam anything in so vandals can't break them, making them ideal for gates used by a lot of the general public.

Is Weather Proof, made from stainless steel with electrics encapsulated in resin so will handle everything the weather can throw at it.

5 Year Warranty 


Voltage: 12VDC or 24VDC depending or how it is wired. 

Current Draw: 12VDC: 400mA - 24VDC: 200mA 

Holding force: 200kgs

Dimensions lock body: 162mm long x 31mm wide x 26mm deep

Dimension Strike Plate: 130mm long x 30mm wide x 8.7mm deep

Not monitored


Normally a mounting bracket for a magnetic lock is custom made with the gate either on the gate or gate post.

... more on Installing Magnetic Locks 

Magnetic Lock - 200kg



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