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Installing Dahua's DMSS App for Smartphones

Dahua's DMSS is a free App that can be installed on a Smartphone to allow it to receiver calls from a Dahua IP Video Intercom anywhere in the world using WiFi or the 4G mobile phone service.

Installing DMSS 

Go to App Store for iPhones or Google Play for Android Smartphones, search for DMSS and install.

The DMSS App looks the same on iPhones and Android Smartphones.   

To add a VTO (IP Intercoms Outdoor Station) tap the "+" at the top right of the screen. The easiest way to identify the VTO is to Scan its QR Code either from the back of the Device or login into the device from a computer or Tablet and under Network/Basic you will find the QR Code. You would have learned how to do this when installing the VTO in the first place. 


The App may ask to access the camera, if so you will need to say yes for it to work. Once the QR code is detected the Serial Number will appear, tap "next" to add the device to the App.

You will need to give it a name, username as admin and the Password you assigned to the VTO when it was initialised, then save. It may take a little while to add the VTO, if it fails then you will need to check the settings on the VTO are correct and you have entered the correct Password. If all else fails you may need to reboot the VTO to factory settings and initialise it again. See the install manual for the VTO to learn how to do this.

Once the VTO is added successfully you can view the camera in the VTO is in the picture about although this is the roof of our workshop, you'll probably have a nicer scene than this, you will also be able to unlock a gate, which would be the opening or closing of an automatic driveway gate once fully installed, for now you will hear the VTO click and a voice saying "the door is unlocked". The VTO will not be able to call the Smartphone yet, to get that to work you will need to tap the arrow at the top left to get to the home screen where you will see the VTO by what ever name you gave it and to the right of this tap the three dots.

Then tap the "Device Details", here tap "Notifications" ... 

... then tap the slider at the top right to enable notifications. The call to the App from the VTO is a notification so it will work even when the Smartphone is in standby.

Next press the call button on the VTO to test it, if all is well and the Smartphone is in standby you will get a Notification appear like that in the left picture above, tap this to open the App, then you can see who is calling (or the workshop roof in this case) tap the green button to answer the call.


Then you will be able to talk to the caller, unlock the gate or open an automatic gate by tapping the lock button and end the call by tapping the call button.

Adding Cameras to the App is the same process and these are viewed from the Home screen by tapping the "live" button at the top left.