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We install in Brisbane only and Nearby.

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Centsys D5 Evo Motor for Sliding Gates to 500kg

One of the most versatile, durable and reliable motors ever made, the legendary D5 is tried and tested technology since early 2000 for both single residential or Gated Communities. Allows up to 500 remote controls to be paired that can be removed one at a time even if lost, an intuitive menu system for setup allows anyone to manage remotes and change settings including real time clock for automatically holding the gate open at busy times and more.

Includes: 2x remote controls, extras may be added. Number of lengths of rack maybe adjusted depending on size of gate.

read more about Centsys D5

Choose Power Option - 240V Power to Gate



Includes:Extra Centsys Remote Control
Choose Rack per metre
Centsys i5 Safety Photocells
Centsys Wireless Digital Keypad


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