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Procon LD106 - Solar Friendly Single Channel Loop Detector

A ground loop is a loop of wire set into a driveway or road that is connected to a detector such as this to sense the presence of a vehicle. Commonly used for controlling traffic lights but also handy for automatic gates for detecting a vehicle inside a property wanting to get out, when a vehicle drives over the loop the gate will open automatically, yet will ignore all pedestrians so anyone jumping the fence cannot use the ground loop to open the gate ...more about ground loops 

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Voltage: 12V or 24V AC or DC

Standby current: 1.5mA on standby 6mA when activated.

Output: Clean contacts Common, Normally open and normally closed.

Modes: 'Presence' so output remain active while vehicle is present or 'Pulse' where out will hold on for a short time when a vehicle is first present then go off.

Sensitivity levels: Eight 


Solar Friendly Loop Detector



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