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Slat 65mm - Mill finish Aluminium

A popular aluminium slat for Swing, Sliding and Pedestrian gates as well as screens and fencing. Is 65mm x 16mm x 6.5m long with 1.4mm wall thickness and a radius edge.

Fits directly into No-weld slotted aluminium framing extrusions or to the front of No-weld non-slotted framing extrusions with the option of a plastic or aluminium cap.

Is mill finish that is raw aluminium as it comes from the mill, which has distinctive draw lines from the extruding process if that's the raw metal look you're after. Mill finish Aluminium doesn't rust or degrade in the weather and because No-weld doesn't require welding the slats fit neatly into or onto the frame, which compliments the mill finish unlike welded gates where the slats must be tack welded on the back and the welds must be cleaned up leaving wire brush marks or slats are riveted into a smaller channel, which doesn't look as nice with mill finish.


There is plenty of this in stock, allow a few days for delivery 

Slat 65mm - Mill Finish



Includes:Caps for 65mm Slat - Black Plastic


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